Edward Chau


Edward Chau _ 英文補習導師

香港大學法律系畢業、HKDSE英文科 5**級導師

© 2023 Edward Chau. All rights reserved.

認識 Edward - 您的首選英文補習導師

你好!我是Edward,是一名全職英文補習導師。我畢業於香港大學法律系 (LL.B., HKU),並在香港中學文憑考試 (HKDSE) 英文科取得了5**級的優異成績,於另外六個學科也取得5級或以上的成績。我熟悉備試策略和應試技巧,能夠幫助學生克服學習瓶頸,從而在學校考試和公開考試中取得進步。此外,我具備模擬法庭英語辯論經驗,熟悉英文寫作和口語的傳意技巧,並擁有良好的思辨能力和表達能力。這使我能夠有效地教導學生,為他們提供學習支援。自2021年7月以來,我一直在灣仔飛揚教育中心擔任英文科導師,為來自不同中學的初中及高中學生提供英文補習服務。同時,我還在一所位於灣仔區的中學擔任課後英語導師,以小組教學形式為高中學生舉辦英文補底課程。這些教學經驗讓我了解不同程度的學生學習的需要、盲點和改進方法我的教學方法著重於使英語學習有效和有趣。通過將時事和具啟發性的社會議題融入我的英文課堂,我希望激發學生對此學科的興趣。除了協助學生鞏固語法基礎和擴充詞彙外,我還注重培養他們的思辨和解難能力,為他們在考試和其他領域的成功做好準備。在我的課堂中,學生將學到如何在閱讀考試中有效分析作者的觀點,在寫作考試中運用學術英語來寫出具說服力的論點,以及在口語考試中清晰自信地表達自己的想法。我相信每個學生都具有各自的優點與需改進之處。因此,我堅持親自批閱學生的作文功課,為他們提供個人評語。這不但能讓學生更深入地了解自己在英文科的學習成果,也能使我根據學生的學習需要定制教學內容和流程,以打造最適合學生的英文補習課程。如果您想提升英語水平,並願意為自己的考試成績付出努力,歡迎加入我的補習課程,我們班房見!

Edward: Your Go-To English Tutor for Academic Success

Hello there! I'm Edward, your go-to English tutor, ready to help you turbocharge your language skills and crush those academic goals.I've been in your shoes, so I know exactly what it takes to excel in exams. My credentials back me up - I aced the HKDSE English Language Exam with a 5** and completed my LL.B. degree from HKU. These achievements aren’t just badges of honour; they represent the dedication, hard work, and strategies that I've mastered along the way. I understand the pressure, the late-night study sessions, and the feeling of wanting to make your efforts count. That's why I am committed to sharing my knowledge and skills with you, so you can navigate the exam landscape with confidence and achieve the results you strive for.But it's not just about acing exams; it's about developing the skills that will set you up for success in the long run. That's where my journey through law school and experience in moot court English debates come in. They've taught me how to think critically, analyse arguments systematically, and communicate ideas with finesse. Now, I'm here to pass on these skills to you because, let's face it, in the real world, it's not just about regurgitating facts or memorising vocabulary. It's about being able to think on your feet, adapt to different situations, and express your thoughts persuasively.I've been tutoring English at Flying Colours Education Centre since July 2021. Over the years, I’ve gained a treasure trove of insights into the diverse learning needs and preferences of students at various academic levels. I've seen struggling students regain their confidence and make remarkable progress, and I've witnessed ambitious learners achieve their academic goals and surpass their own expectations. So, whether you're grappling with a specific grammar topic or striving for that top grade, trust me, I have the expertise and flexibility to support you every step of the way.When it comes to my teaching style, I like to break free from traditional norms. Learning shouldn't be a chore or a one-sided lecture; it should be an engaging and dynamic process that makes you excited to explore new concepts, ask questions, and participate in class discussions. Say goodbye to boring lectures and mindless memorisation! Together, we'll analyse those intimidating reading comprehension texts and conquer the challenging questions that come with them. As for writing, I'll guide you through the process of articulating your thoughts effectively, organising your ideas persuasively, and polishing your grammar and syntax to leave an impression on your readers.Now, let's get serious. I believe every student is unique and has their own strengths and areas to improve. That's why I don't mess around when it comes to providing individualised support and guidance. I'll carefully review your homework assignments, giving you the feedback you need to gauge your progress and the advice that empowers you to make targeted improvements. My goal is not only to help you achieve academic success but also to instill in you a sense of confidence and control over your learning journey.Enough about me, let's focus on YOU! If you're looking to level up your English game and smash those academic goals, I've got your back. Reach out to me, and let's chat about my tutoring services and how we can work together to unleash your full potential. Sound good?

Not quite sure yet? Explore my exclusive collection of revision notes, available for free download. Within this valuable resource, you’ll discover an array of sample essays, all personally written by me. They will serve as helpful references to bolster your exam preparation and provide insights into effective writing techniques.

© 2023 Edward Chau. All rights reserved.


過去兩年,Edward一直為來自灣仔區和港島各區的中學生提供英文補習服務,熟悉區內中學英文科考試的出題方向、評核重點,以及備戰文憑試 (HKDSE) 的技巧和策略。


  • 系統化課程編排,讓英語學習更具效率。課程涵蓋英語知識和應試技巧,幫助學生建立扎實的英語基礎。

  • 引入各種有趣的社會時事熱話,如「Universal Basic Income」、「Designer Babies」、「Artificial Intelligence」和「Self-driving Cars」等話題,以激發學生對英語學習的興趣,同時培養他們的思辨能力。

  • 拆解歷屆試題和模擬試卷,幫助學生掌握英文科考核的重點,以及各份分卷的升Grade方法,以實現他們的學術目標。

  • 提供答題口訣,讓學生更容易記憶每個應試答題步驟和技巧,提高他們在校內考試及DSE考試中的表現。


  • 導師親自批改Paper 2 Writing及Paper 3 Integrated Tasks功課,並為學生提供個人評語。這有助學生了解自己的學習成果,提升英文寫作能力,為DSE考試佔分最重的兩份分卷做好準備。

  • 導師親自撰寫的Writing及Integrated Tasks參考範文,讓學生掌握英語知識和寫作技巧。

  • 提供溫習筆記,包括詞彙、句構、文法、閱讀篇章、日校熱門試題等內容。筆記由導師精心編寫,與堂上的教學內容相呼應,幫助學生理解和鞏固堂上所學的知識。


S.1 / S.2-S.3 英文補習課程

  • 課程全面,涵蓋英文單詞、句型和基本文法知識,並通過教授聽、說、讀、寫技巧來提高學生的英語應用能力,從而在英文科考試中取得成功。

  • 導師將有趣的日常生活話題融入英語教學,讓學生在輕松愉悅的學習氛圍中學習英文。


  • 從基礎語法理論開始,由淺入深地介紹各個英文文法課題,讓初中學生在這個關鍵時期打下堅實的英文基礎。

  • 通過教授常用句型和寫作技巧來提高學生的英文寫作和表達能力,為應付中學英文科考試做好準備。

  • 提供作文功課,由導師親自批改並給予個人評語,讓學生了解自己的學習進度。

S.4 / S.5 / S.6 DSE 英文補習課程

  • 深入探討DSE英文科考試各份分卷的出題模式和題型特點,涵蓋閱讀、寫作、聆聽及綜合、說話,通過理論學習和模擬考試來培養學生的英文應試能力。

  • 教授應付校內英文科考試及文憑試所需的語文知識和答題技巧,幫助同學突破英文學習瓶頸。


  • 重溫初中時期所學的重要文法概念,並教授學生如何將這些概念應用於寫作、閱讀和口語表達中。

  • 從淺入深地教授作文常用句型和高階句構,旨在提高學生的英文水平和寫作能力。

  • 課程涵蓋各種主題,包括語法、單詞選擇、句型、寫作結構等,為應付 DSE 英文科考試打好根基。




© 2023 Edward Chau. All rights reserved.

HKDSE 2018 Paper 2 Writing (Q1)
Parents letter (Trip to sky100) 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Dear Parents/Guardians,I am writing to provide you with information about an upcoming school trip for your child. We have arranged a visit to Sky100, the highest indoor observation deck in Hong Kong.The main objective of this trip is to enhance your child’s understanding of harbour conservation. During the visit to Sky100, students will have the opportunity to admire the stunning panoramic views of Victoria Harbour while learning about its deep historical, economic, and ecological significance to Hong Kong. Moreover, we will engage in discussions regarding the challenges that our harbour faces, such as urban development, pollution, and climate change. Through this experience, our aim is to foster in students a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation and motivate them to safeguard this valuable resource for future generations.Here are the important details about the trip:
Date: April 19, 2018
Time: 10:30–15:30
Location: 100/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong
To ensure convenience for everyone, we have arranged lunch at the Sky Cafe, located within the ICC. Students will have the opportunity to enjoy a delightful meal while taking in the magnificent views of the harbour.Transportation for the trip will be provided. We kindly ask that all students gather at the school premises by 10:30. They will then board a coach that will take them to the ICC. At the end of the trip, students will be dismissed at the ICC at 15:30.We are pleased to announce that the school has partly subsidised the trip. The total cost per student for this excursion is HK$80, which covers admission to Sky100, coach fare, lunch, and any additional educational activities arranged by the venue. The fee will be conveniently deducted from your child’s school e-wallet once their participation is confirmed.To secure your child’s spot on this excursion, please complete and sign the attached permission slip and return it to me no later than February 28.If you have any questions or concerns about the trip, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your attention.Yours sincerely,
Chris Wong
Class Teacher of 6A

(351 words)

HKDSE 2022 Paper 2 Writing (Q1)
Guide for first-time visitors (HK Adventure Farm) 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

About Hong Kong Adventure Farm
Welcome to Hong Kong Adventure Farm, where nature’s beauty meets adrenaline-fueled excitement! Tucked away in the tranquil charm of Sai Kung, our farm provides a peaceful escape from the city’s hustle and bustle, offering visitors of all ages a chance to immerse themselves in a world of wonder and adventure. Climb aboard the Adventure Train and prepare for an extraordinary journey filled with a wide array of captivating attractions.
Top three things to see and do
1. Adventurous Lake:
Upon arrival at the Waterfall Station, prepare to be greeted by the stunning Adventurous Lake, situated next to the magnificent Great Waterfall. This inviting oasis offers a refreshing retreat from the heat of Hong Kong, inviting you to take a dip and enjoy some thrilling aquatic activities. Put on your swimwear and let the cool waters invigorate your senses. For those seeking an extra dose of excitement, we offer snorkelling experiences led by certified instructors. Explore the underwater marvels of the lake, and our award-winning photographer will capture breath-taking moments that are sure to make envy-inducing Instagram posts.
2. Wild Park:
If water sports aren’t your cup of tea, fear not! Take a leisurely 30-minute stroll from Lake Side Station to our enchanting Wild Park. As you wander through the park, you’ll encounter gentle and well-tamed deer and horses. However, the true stars of the park are our charming alpacas, who will win you over with their innocent charisma. Interact with these delightful creatures by purchasing specially prepared feeds from vendors. Please note that, for the well-being of our alpacas, we kindly request that visitors refrain from offering self-prepared food.
3. Farmers’ Market:
Once you’ve delighted in the company of our endearing animals, take a leisurely stroll to our Farmers’ Market, where you’ll find a wide array of fresh, organic products. As you explore the market, treat your senses to a delightful experience. Enjoy the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans, savour the sweetness of homegrown pineapples, and indulge in artisanal cheeses and freshly baked bread. Don’t forget to pick up a jar of luxurious honey, a perfect souvenir to bring home for your loved ones.

(339 words)

HKDSE 2018 Paper 2 Writing (Q5) Debate speech
(Should the policy of reporting students’ class positions be abolished?) 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Ladies and gentlemen, Chairman, adjudicators, and respected members of the negative team, I stand before you today as a representative of the affirmative team to argue in favour of abolishing the policy of reporting students’ class positions. We firmly believe that this policy does more harm than good to students, hindering their personal growth and social well-being.To begin, let’s consider the tremendous pressure that revealing students’ academic rankings places on them. Those at the bottom may experience overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, leading to a loss of confidence and self-doubt. They may fear judgement from both their peers and teachers, causing them to hesitate to participate in class discussions or seek assistance when necessary. This can significantly impact their mental well-being and motivation, perpetuating a cycle of underperformance. On the other hand, students at the top encounter a different type of pressure. They face heightened stress and anxiety as they strive to maintain their status, fearing that any decline may label them as failures. This constant pressure to sustain their position can lead to burnout, affecting their overall well-being and hindering their ability to explore diverse interests beyond academics. Clearly, the weight of expectations and the fear of losing status that come with the policy of reporting students’ class position can have profound effects on students at both ends of the academic spectrum, underscoring the necessity to reassess the practice.Another significant drawback of reporting students’ class positions is the detrimental impact it has on relationships among classmates. It can create an environment where students are unfairly judged and categorised based on their academic standing. This could lead to the formation of cliques within the class, where individuals may feel marginalised or excluded based on their perceived academic performance. Additionally, the pressure to maintain or improve one’s class ranking can undermine the potential for healthy competition and mutual support, ultimately hindering the overall socio-emotional development within the student body. Therefore, eliminating the practice of publicising class positions is pivotal to fostering a healthier and more inclusive school community.The negative team may argue that the competition created by this policy can motivate students to improve their academic performance. They may claim that knowing where they stand in comparison to their peers can spur students to set higher goals and work diligently to achieve them, thereby promoting a culture of continuous improvement and personal growth. While we acknowledge the intention behind this perspective, we firmly believe that there are alternative methods that are more effective and appropriate. Disclosing students’ academic grades in respective subjects, receiving personalised feedback from teachers, and comparing current results with previous ones are all practices that provide students not only with a tangible measure of their progress and areas that require further attention but also the necessary support and guidance they need to enhance their educational outcomes. It is therefore evident that there are more effective ways to support students’ academic growth and motivation without subjecting them to the undue pressure and negative social dynamics that stem from competitive class rankings.Dear members of the audience, I trust that the justifications presented today sufficiently explain why the policy of reporting students’ class positions should be abolished. Therefore, I strongly maintain that today’s motion must stand. Thank you.

(540 words)

HKDSE 2015 Paper 3 (Part B1) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 6: Short biography (18 marks; 120 words)Early life
Born in a small village in Scotland in 1996 to a Japanese father and a British mother, Charlie Chiba relocated to London with her family at the age of six. She then attended Grey’s School of Music and Drama.
Career before joining Bubblegum
In 2010, Charlie’s talents were recognised when she won the Best Singer award at the London Youth Music Awards. Her first solo album, “Oh So Pretty,” was launched in 2012 but unfortunately garnered unfavourable reviews, subsequently being voted the worst album of the year on Buzz Online.
Career and achievement after joining Bubblegum
Joining Bubblegum in 2013 marked a pivotal turn in Charlie’s career. With unwavering passion and remarkable talent, she made substantial contributions to their album “Meet the Bubblegum,” most notably by writing the hit song “Dance Addiction.” This captivating track soared to popularity, emerging as the second most downloaded song in the UK in 2014, amassing approximately 11 million downloads.

Task 7: Email of reply (18 marks; 150 words)Dear Bonnie,Thank you for your interest in interviewing Bubblegum. It brings us great joy to confirm the approval of your interview request. The interview is scheduled for May 19 (Tuesday) from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm and will be held in Room 829 at the Paradise Gardens Hotel.To facilitate a smooth interview process and adhere to security measures, we kindly request that no more than four interviewers be present. Prior to the interview, our staff will conduct ID checks and inspect the personal belongings and equipment of all interviewers. Additionally, it is worth noting that the Paradise Gardens Hotel has a strict dress code policy; hence, we advise all interviewers to dress in smart attire.As a gentle reminder, we ask that all interviewers engage with the band members in a respectful manner and refrain from asking personal questions related to Mark Nelson’s family or the love lives of the band members. Instead, we encourage questions pertaining to the band’s latest album, “Sugar Love Mountain,” and their impressions of Hong Kong.We hope that the aforementioned information will be beneficial for your interview preparation, and we look forward to a fruitful interview. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.Best regards,
Starsky Chung

HKDSE 2019 Paper 3 (Part B1) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 6: Email to a contestant (19 marks; 150 words)Subject: Review of Your Entry for the Youth by Youth Short Video CompetitionDear Akira,Thank you for your participation in the Youth by Youth Short Video Competition. Your dedication to crafting and submitting your entry is genuinely appreciated. However, we have identified several areas that require adjustments in order to align with the competition’s rules and guidelines.Firstly, it has come to our attention that your entry exceeded the specified time limit, with a runtime of 8 minutes and 30 seconds. According to the competition guidelines, videos are required to fall within the range of 2 to 5 minutes in length.Additionally, it is important to note that the theme of the competition is young people, whereas your entry predominantly focuses on your grandmother, which deviates from the intended theme.Moreover, we would like to emphasise that the competition rules explicitly prohibit the use of offensive language in any entry. Regrettably, there were instances of swear words spoken by your grandmother in the video.Lastly, please be aware that all music featured in the video must be copyright-free. This means that the use of copyrighted songs or music from popular artists or bands is not allowed. However, the music in your entry was sourced from Bubblegum’s latest album, which is protected by copyright law.In consideration of the aforementioned issues, we regret to inform you that your entry does not meet the requirements for the competition. Nevertheless, we genuinely appreciate your talent in video production and would like to encourage you to consider submitting another entry before the newly extended deadline of May 13.Thank you for your understanding. We eagerly anticipate the possibility of receiving a new submission from you soon.Best regards,
Nico Lin

Task 7: Website announcement (18 marks; 100 words)We are delighted to announce that the highly anticipated prize-giving ceremony for the Youth by Youth Short Video Competition is finally on the horizon! Make sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m., and join us at the Cultural Plaza in Central for an unforgettable evening of joy and celebration.We are thrilled to have Ms. Park O, a distinguished South Korean actress known for winning the Golden Tiger Award for her exceptional performance in “Loneliness of Paris” in 2018, as our event host. Adding to our excitement, we are honoured to have Ms. Silvia Yao, a renowned producer from Taiwan, as the judge for the competition. Her discerning insight will truly elevate the event.During this remarkable event, attendees will have the opportunity to take selfies with some of their favourite celebrities. Additionally, we will be giving complimentary gift packs to all attendees as a token of our appreciation for their support.This promises to be a memorable evening that you won’t want to miss. Secure your spot now and get ready for this mesmerising, star-studded affair.

HKDSE 2013 Paper 3 (Part B2) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 8: Feature article (18 marks; 150 words)Hong Kong Tourism: The Way It WasThroughout the past century, Hong Kong has maintained its position as a renowned travel destination. However, when comparing the tourism scene of the 1920s to the present day, we can observe several intriguing differences.One striking contrast is evident in the modes of transportation. Historically, people travelled overseas by ships or trains, resulting in lengthy travel durations. For example, the voyage from London to Hong Kong by ship spanned an astonishing six weeks. Upon arrival, visitors commonly hired horses and carriages to explore the city. Notably, rickshaws emerged as a popular mode of transportation among tourists, as reflected in the issuance of over 3,000 rickshaw licences in Hong Kong in 1928 alone.Another notable difference lies in the demographics of tourists. International travel at that time was accessible only to the very rich due to its high costs. This exclusivity is exemplified by the exorbitant accommodation expenses of the era. In 1928, a single night at the Dragon Hotel would have cost approximately $10,300 in today’s currency, nearly 2.5 times higher than current rates. Additionally, many travellers would travel with their servants, further adding to the overall expense of the journey.Tourist activities during the 1920s also diverged significantly from those of today. Evenings were often spent in post-dinner dancing. Furthermore, some North American travellers would engage in tiger hunting in the New Territories, showcasing the adventurous spirit that defined this era.As we explore the early days of Hong Kong tourism, it becomes clear that the landscape has undergone remarkable transformations over the years. Nevertheless, the city’s enduring charm and allure have continued to captivate travellers from across the globe.

Task 9: Feedback email (18 marks; 120 words)Subject: Revision Request for Your Article on Plastic Surgery Holidays in ThailandDear Ms. Lau,Thank you for your submission regarding plastic surgery holidays in Thailand. I am pleased to inform you that our editorial team has reviewed your article, and I am reaching out to provide feedback aimed at enhancing your piece and ensuring its suitability for publication.Firstly, we would appreciate it if you could submit 15–20 high-resolution JPEG images to accompany your article. Subsequently, our editorial team will select the best five images for publication. To avoid any potential copyright issues, please remember to include the source of each image.Additionally, it is with regret that we must inform you that your submission exceeds the word limit set for this article. Therefore, we kindly request that you condense your submission to meet the target length of 900 words. Furthermore, we would appreciate it if you could provide a suitable article title that is within 80 characters in length.Lastly, we kindly ask that you review the spelling of Thai place names and ensure the accuracy of all details in your article.The deadline for submitting the revised version is April 30. We eagerly anticipate receiving your updated work by then. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you once again for your dedication.Best regards,
Marty Poon

Task 10: Editorial (18 marks; 200 words)Embracing Tourism’s Positive Impacts on Local CommunitiesIn the March issue of our publication, Mr. Kelvin Hui expressed concerns regarding the negative effects of tourism on local communities and suggested the implementation of measures to limit interaction between indigenous people and tourists. However, before endorsing this proposal, it is imperative to acknowledge the significant benefits that tourism can offer to local residents.First and foremost, tourism contributes to the local economy by bringing money to the community. The revenue generated from tourism can be used for developing infrastructure, such as hospitals and roads, and funding government projects aimed at providing access to clean water for those residing in underprivileged areas. Furthermore, the tourism industry creates job opportunities for locals, providing them with a means of livelihood that enables them to afford necessities, including education for their children.Beyond the economic advantages, tourism also serves as a crucial factor in maintaining local traditions. For instance, the traditional Nora dance in Thailand faced near extinction in the 1980s. However, due to its appeal to tourists, the dance has experienced a resurgence, with Nora dance festivals and competitions now being celebrated throughout the country.Moreover, tourism enables locals to share their unique customs and ideas with visitors, thereby keeping their culture alive. An inspiring example is when a tourist visiting a tribal village assisted the villagers in creating a website to promote their community after learning about it from them. In another instance, a traveller wrote and published a book about the local traditions of a village, raising awareness about the culture and traditions of indigenous people globally.In conclusion, considering the substantial economic and cultural advantages of tourism for local communities, it is crucial to approach any proposed restrictions with thoughtful consideration.

HKDSE 2014 Paper 3 (Part B2) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 9: Speech (18 marks; 150 words)Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Kerry Lam, the manager of the Kowloon Exotic Pets Hospital. It is my pleasure to welcome you all to our Open Day. Today, I want to talk to you about a fascinating topic that has ignited the curiosity of individuals across all age groups: virtual pets.Without delay, let’s explore this subject. Virtual pets are digital applications that simulate the experience of having a real pet in an online environment. With internet access becoming more affordable and widespread, the popularity of virtual pets has been increasing. Surprisingly, it’s not only the younger generation that is captivated by these digital companions. Believe it or not, over a quarter of virtual pet users are aged 65 and above.Now, here’s where it gets captivating: The elderly community has embraced virtual pets for a multitude of reasons. Some grandparents derive immense joy from using virtual pets as a means to connect with their grandchildren, simultaneously acquiring computer skills while caring for these adorable virtual pets together. Others turn to virtual pets simply because they are unable to keep real pets in their apartments. Furthermore, virtual pets prove to be an excellent tool for keeping the minds of seniors active. Remarkably, some elderly individuals have even become virtual pet breeders, cross-breeding virtual pets to create a myriad of super-unusual species. Astonishingly, some have established breeding exchange programmes, enabling them to exchange or even sell their virtual pets to fellow breeders.If you are eager to further explore the idea of virtual pets, be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming virtual pet page on the hospital’s website. We have a wealth of captivating content in store for you. Once again, thank you for gracing us with your presence on this special day, and we sincerely hope that you enjoy the remainder of the event.

HKDSE 2017 Paper 3 (Part B2) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 8: Summary for meeting (22 marks; 220 words)Summary: Feedback on Manu Architects’ Initial Concept Plan for the Golden Flower Adventure MallIntroduction:
Prepared for the upcoming meeting with Manu Architects on April 10th, this summary aims to summarise the feedback received from our staff regarding the initial concept plan for the Golden Flower Adventure Mall developed by Manu Architects.
Features to Retain and Remove:
To align with the mall’s jungle theme, we recommend retaining the lake, waterfall, and sailing ship as key features while omitting the castle. Additionally, the engineering team has confirmed that all proposed features are practical for implementation.
Development of Retained Features:
In order to elevate the visitor experience, we suggest transforming the lake into an aquarium and constructing a swimming pool next to it. These two areas will be separated by thick glass walls, allowing swimmers to swim alongside the sea animals. Moreover, to amplify the excitement, we propose placing the swimming pool under the waterfall. Furthermore, we propose installing ziplines over the pool to offer another exhilarating activity in keeping with the mall’s jungle theme.
Based on our experience with a similar project at the Highland Adventure Centre in the United Kingdom, we recommend reducing the height of the waterfall from 40 metres to 30 metres. This modification is in response to the observation that the 45-metre waterfall at the Highland Adventure Centre caused clouds to form in the centre, which disrupted the electricity supply and led to power failures. This issue was resolved by reducing the height of the waterfall to 30 meters. Additionally, to ensure the safety of visitors, we suggest organising abseiling activities on the sides of the waterfall rather than within it.Finally, due to space constraints, we suggest removing shops from the sailing ship and preserving only the restaurants.Conclusion:
By implementing these suggested changes, we are confident that the Golden Flower Adventure Mall will establish itself as an exceptional destination.

Task 9: Overview for company website (18 marks; 150 words)Dragon Peak Properties: Leading the Way in Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation in Hong KongDragon Peak Properties (DPP) is a prominent Hong Kong-based property developer dedicated to environmental preservation and sustainability.Our commitment to eco-friendly construction practices is evident through the substantial investments made over the past 15 years. Beginning with an initial investment of HK$2 billion in 2000, our expenditure on green construction methods has notably increased to HK$5.5 billion in 2015, positioning us as the largest investor in green construction methods among the three biggest developers in Hong Kong. This commitment to environmental sustainability has been acknowledged with our Forest of Dreams Estate project, which secured the Greenest Housing Development Award in 2016, solidifying our standing as a leader in green property development.Recognising the significance of safeguarding rare and endangered species, we are actively engaged in preserving the unique orchids and butterflies found on Golden Flower Island. Among these species is the Golden Dragon Tail Butterfly, the only known species in South China for pollinating the Splash of Gold Orchid, which can now only be found on Golden Flower Island. To ensure their continued existence, we have designated 70% of the island as a nature park, kept free from any development. Additionally, we are constructing a wall of vegetation between the shopping mall and the nature park to mitigate noise and light pollution. Furthermore, we aim to make the island vehicle-free, ensuring that the butterflies are not disturbed.Through our proactive endeavours, we seek to make a meaningful contribution to the future of our planet. We invite you to join us in supporting Dragon Peak Properties as we lead the way in eco-friendly property development and environmental conservation.

Task 10: Letter to invite guest of honour (13 marks; 100 words)Dear Ms. Tse,On behalf of Dragon Peak Properties, I am delighted to extend an invitation to attend the grand opening ceremony of the Golden Flower Adventure Mall as our guest of honour. The ceremony is scheduled to take place on December 24, 2018, and we would be honoured if you could grace us with your presence at this significant event.We are deeply inspired by your passion for swimming, snorkelling, and diving, as well as your unwavering commitment to protecting the seas and ensuring their cleanliness for all marine life. Your dedication resonates with our company’s mission to preserve the coral in Australia, as evidenced by our substantial contribution to the Save the Great Barrier Reef initiative. It is for these reasons that we believe you would be the perfect individual to grace our event as the first person to swim in the mall’s new pool.As a token of appreciation, we would like to offer you a guest of honour fee of HK$100,000. Alternatively, if you prefer, we are more than happy to donate the same amount to a charity of your choosing.We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation. Please take your time to consider this request, and we eagerly look forward to your response.Yours sincerely,
Nathan Kwok
Publicity and Marketing Manger

HKDSE 2020 Paper 3 (Part B2) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 8: Introductory video script (18 marks; 150 words)Welcome, courageous space adventurers, to the Planet Tarkov Problem-Solving Activity! Prepare yourselves for an exhilarating mission as your spaceship has just crashed on the planet Tarkov. Your mission? Survive for a year until rescue reaches you.The current season on Tarkov is spring, and the weather seems pleasant, resembling the mild temperatures in Hong Kong during November. However, do not be fooled. Brace yourselves for the impending extreme seasons. In summer, temperatures soar so high that even the oceans boil, while in winter, they plummet so low that the oceans freeze over.Gather your crew members into groups of five and gear up to unleash your combined intellect. You will be given one hour to solve the problems and another hour to present your ideas to other groups.Now, the critical question arises: Will your team emerge as the victorious survivors? Only time will unveil the answer. Prepare yourselves, brave astronauts, for an unparalleled adventure. And may the stars be in your favour!

Task 9: Incident report (18 marks; 150 words)Report on the Incident Involving the Multi-Axis TrainerIntroduction:
This report aims to present a comprehensive account of the Multi-Axis Trainer (M.A.T.) accident that occurred on March 26. It covers important incident details, identifies the causes of the accident, and provides recommendations to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
Incident Details:
On March 26 at 9:45 a.m., an 11-year-old girl named Rey Liu became trapped upside down in the M.A.T. for approximately 30 seconds. Subsequently, she complained of a severe headache and sought medical assistance from Dr. Yang. Her parents were informed, and she was then taken to Waglan Memorial Hospital. Fortunately, no health issues were observed during her evaluation.
Causes of the Incident:
According to Mr. Scotty Wong, the head of technical support, the incident primarily resulted from motor failure. During a storm, tree branches above the M.A.T. building fell, causing damage to the roof. These damages resulted in micro-cracks on the roof’s surface, allowing water droplets to infiltrate the M.A.T. and ultimately leading to motor failure.
To prevent similar accidents in the future, it is recommended to trim the tree branches above the M.A.T. building and seal the roof with a silicon sealant. These actions will safeguard the integrity of the M.A.T. and ensure the safety of its users.

Task 10: Reply email (17 marks; 200 words)Subject: Re: Borrowing the Replica Space CapsuleDear Denise,Thank you for your interest in borrowing our replica space capsule. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that, due to practical constraints, we are unable to fulfil your request.Upon a thorough inspection by our engineer, stress fractures were discovered at the bottom of the capsule, rendering it too fragile to be moved. Additionally, given that the original supplier of the capsule is no longer in business, finding a replacement would be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, in the event of any damage. Therefore, after careful consideration, we must respectfully decline your request.However, we highly value the outstanding work of your foundation, and we would like to offer an exciting alternative for the children within your foundation by inviting them to join us as VIPs for our upcoming open day. The open day is scheduled for April 25, which coincides with one of the dates you initially inquired about borrowing the capsule. As VIPs, your children will be given exclusive access to the space capsule and will have the opportunity to have lunch with our special guest, Captain Trillion Choi. Captain Choi is not only the sixth Asian female astronaut but also an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics. We are confident that her remarkable achievements and inspiring story will captivate your children.We sincerely hope that this alternative arrangement meets your needs, and we eagerly look forward to welcoming you and your children on the open day. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.Best regards,
Nico Lin

HKDSE 2021 Paper 3 (Part B2) Extended Tasks 參考範文

Written by: Edward Chau

Task 9: Letter to the Editor (19 marks; 180 words)Dear Editor,On behalf of Events Horizon, the organiser of the Victoria Cup, I am writing to address the concerns raised by Ms. Geeta Singh in her letter dated April 24. We appreciate her feedback on last year’s event and would like to assure her and the public that we have taken decisive steps to address each of the issues raised.Firstly, we acknowledge that last year’s tournament saw a significant number of seats reserved for corporate sponsors and their guests, leading to numerous seats being left empty due to non-attendance. To rectify this, we have reduced the allocation of tickets for corporate sponsors to only 12% of the total capacity this year. Additionally, we have introduced a punctuality condition for all corporate sponsor tickets. If the ticketholders fail to arrive within the first 60 minutes of play, their tickets will become invalid. We believe these measures will minimise instances of vacant seats during this year’s tournament.Secondly, we understand the frustrations of tennis fans who encountered difficulties in securing tickets for last year’s event. In response, we have decided to give priority to local tennis club members in the ticket booking process. Moreover, we have implemented a new system to allocate unclaimed seats to eager fans. As fans enter the Fanzone, they will receive a ticket number. Then, once our staff confirms any occupied seats, they will be released to fans with the lowest ticket numbers, thereby enabling more tennis fans to enjoy the live action.Thirdly, we fully recognise and share Ms. Singh’s concerns about fans talking incessantly during the matches last year. In addressing this issue, we have implemented a new policy for this year’s tournament. Under this policy, any spectator who violates noise-making rules during playtime will be removed from the venue. Our goal is to ensure an undisturbed and enjoyable experience for all attendees.With our new arrangements, we are confident that the upcoming Victoria Cup will be a more inclusive and enjoyable event for everyone.Yours faithfully,
Nico Lin

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  • 我們提供專業的DSE英文補習、DSE中文補習、DSE數學補習、DSE物理補習課程,包括一對一和小組教學,主要是針對香港中學文憑考試而設計,涵蓋相關學術知識及應試技巧,幫助學生在考試中取得更好的成績

  • 我們的教學團隊由一批經驗豐富的導師組成,他們不僅擁有優秀的學術背景和教學技能,還充滿熱情和耐心,能夠幫助學生實現自己的學習目標

  • 我們的補習課堂多以互動形式進行,擁有良好的課堂氣氛,讓學生輕鬆學習和進步

DSE 英文備試策略:論閱讀和寫作技能的重要性

作者:Edward Chau
日期:2023 年 5 月 19 日







1. 通過閱讀增加詞彙量:閱讀不同主題的文章是提高詞彙量的有效方法。學生應注意新單詞,學習同義詞和不同詞性的單詞,特別是那些適用於DSE寫作考試的單詞。我建議學生每天花時間閱讀英文報紙、博客文章或小說,定期納入新單詞到自己的詞彙中,以增強對複雜文本的理解,改善閱讀和寫作能力。2. 學習拆解複雜句子結構來練習語法:掌握語法和句子結構對英文考試的寫作部分至關重要。我建議學生練習拆分復雜句子結構,並關注句子的主語、動詞和賓語。此外,學生可以選擇具挑戰性的語法校對練習 (Proofreading exercises),了解常見語法錯誤,如主謂一致、介詞使用和時態等,提高語法水平。3. 養成定期練習寫作的習慣:寫作包括構思、梳理、闡述和校對。建議考試時先草擬大綱,構思論點和結構。構思論點促進創造性思維,梳理結構幫助建立邏輯流。闡述主要觀點時,應適當使用連接詞,增強連貫性。完成寫作後,進行校對和修改,確保結構合理、表達清晰、用詞精確。學生可以依照此流程練習寫作,定期練習有助學生在考試中更加有效地組織和傳達自己的思想。另外,學生可以考慮參加英文補習課程,從經驗豐富的導師獲得指導。許多來自港島區及灣仔區的中學生均從 Edward 導師的教學中獲得高效的英語學習體驗,並習得在DSE考試中取得優異成績的所需技能。


對香港學生而言,參加補習課程有助於建立閱讀和寫作技能。經驗豐富的導師可以提供適合的備試方法和應試策略,協助學生養成有效學習習慣,掌握考試拆題及答題技巧。此外,導師提供模擬試卷和練習,讓學生為實際考試做好準備,增加獲得良好成績的機會。補習老師還能夠為學生提供精簡的溫習筆記,幫助學生複習重要的語法規則和詞彙知識,掌握日校/考評局的出題方向和應對方法。此外,導師所設計的溫習筆記可以讓學生在課後鞏固所學,並提供省時高效的試前溫習工具。另外,學生可以獲得導師個性化的反饋。有經驗的導師能夠迅速找出學生需要改進之處,幫助他們克服學習障礙。根據Edward導師的經驗,不少香港學生在文法、結構和組織等方面感到困難,尤其是在主謂一致 (subject-verb agreement) 或從屬子句 (subordinate clauses) 的使用上。因此,Edward提供針對性指導,引導學生理解困難文法概念,撰寫清晰、簡潔和結構良好文章。簡而言之,一位專注於英語補習的導師可以幫助學生提高閱讀和寫作技能,並獲得在考試中脫穎而出所需的技能。在導師指導下,學生能夠充分發揮自己的潛力,實現學術目標。



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